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Questions for Lehigh Heidelberg Cement Group
generated by membership of New Windsor Community Action Project – NEWCAP

November, 2007
It is expected that maps, graphics, drawings and other helpful visual aids will be used to illustrate responses to facilitate understanding at a community meeting. Please provide written responses to representatives of the NEWCAP Executive Board. Questions may be answered in any order as explanations may be clearer if offered in a particular format preferred by Lehigh.


Explain what the current status of mining is at the quarry.

How long is the quarry expected to last and what factors affect its longevity?

What is monitored, by and by whom and to which regulatory offices are findings reported and how often?

Explain what Lehigh is seeking in expansion of the current initial mining site and why it is necessary.

What documents, maps, etc. have been and will be submitted and to which agencies by Lehigh in its pursuit of expansion?

How does concurrent mining of New Windsor and Clemsonville affect each quarry site and the respective communities?

Why should citizenry support expansion?

Speak to the size and process of the cone of depression relative to subsidence and sinkholes.

What will be the design and placement of a crushing facility?

What environmental impact will quarry development and production have on water resources, air quality, and the environment?

The east and west sides of the quarry are protected by an impermeable barrier of metabasalt and are in little danger of losing their water resources with the exception of the development of a fracture. The south and north ends of the pit (nearest to the town of New Windsor) do not have this protection and are most likely to suffer long-term effects. How will Lehigh protect the water resources and people who are in these areas?

Lehigh has been issued a permit to dewater the New Windsor quarry at the rate of approx. 6.9 million gallons per day. To where will the water be diverted?

Identify the drainage area of the pit and entire site at development phase and production stage. How does water enter surrounding waterways and landscapes and at what rate?

In a public meeting on June 10, 1991, former New Windsor Town Council member, Ms. Harman, stated that the Town Council’s attorney, the Town Council, and the New Windsor Water and Sewer manager met with Lehigh’s geologist and managers to draw up a contingency plan for the Town’s water supply when quarrying begins south of New Windsor. (from CC Comprehensive Mineral Resources Plan and Implementation Mechanisms, adopted 1992)What are the details of that plan?

How will Lehigh make that water available to the Town of New Windsor while discharging during production and when mining has terminated?

Will Lehigh fund a system for delivering the water to the town?

How will the purity of the water be maintained?

How will Lehigh ensure the safety of citizens around the quarry?

What is the maximum depth of the pit at full production?

How long will the quarry be at the production stage? How will it be reclaimed?

What will be the dimensions and location of waste piles?

What will screening and berms look like – dimensions, set-back from surrounding structures, land features, etc.

The Comprehensive Plan for the New Windsor Community Planning Area encompasses the Community Planning Area (CPA) which has boundaries reaching beyond the Town’s corporate boundaries. The Plan was adopted in 1997 and calls for the following:
Outdoor storage areas screened from public streets and adjacent areas.
Exterior lighting to illuminate the site and not adjacent properties, public roads. Protection of waterways, scenic and natural resources.
Limited accessways to MD 31.
Land acquisition and land banking for capital improvement projects such as parks and recreational areas.

New Windsor has identified the need for a linear park which would include bicycling and walking. Would Lehigh donate land adjacent to Old New Windsor Road for this purpose? Guidelines published by the National Recreation and Parks Association Open Space Standards state that the most desirable sites for a linear park are “built or natural corridors, such as utility rights-of-way, bluff lines,vegetation patterns and roads…”

Lehigh has offered to ‘back-off’ its mining operations from the Town by distances that have varied from 3500’ to 1500’ to the most recent 1100’. The beginning of the ‘back-off’ point should begin at the Comprehensive Planning Area Boundary established by the New Windsor Community Planning Area Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 1997 - not at the Corporate Town Limit or the Historic Town Boundary.

Is Lehigh in agreement with this boundary as the start of the back-off point? According to the CC Comprehensive Mineral Resources Plan and Implementation Mechanisms adopted in 1992, mining activity may not take place within 1000’ of a property on the Historic Register or the boundary of a ‘village of importance;’ 700’ from a residential area, school, church, public utility…200’ from any adjoining property line, 400’ from a building on an adjacent property, and distances may be increased if it is determined that mining causes greater adverse effects than desired. What distances will Lehigh maintain from specific structures, boundaries and areas near the New Windsor site? Please identify structures on a map and give specific distances other than “ compliance as required by regulations.”


Describe the parcels of land that are involved in the proposed expansion of the Union Bridge quarry. What portion of Clemsonville Road does Lehigh want to move, to where and for what purpose? How does the concurrent mining of New Windsor and Clemsonville affect the longevity of both mines?


What is the current route and how many are running daily?

Lehigh has projected that as the main means of transport, 700 – 800 trucks will run daily from New Windsor to Union Bridge during the full production stage of the mine. Please address the following: Proposed route Hours of operation Size and capacity of trucks Lehigh or sub-contracted trucking companies Road maintenance and repair

How much of the property that is needed to put in a rail spur for the New Windsor quarry is actually owned by Lehigh?

Is there any truth to the rumor that Lehigh has arranged with the Brethren Center to exchange property near the railroad tracks at Old New Windsor Road for property closer to Route 31 in order to procure the parcel for a railroad spur?

How long would it take to construct a rail spur?

How many and for what purposes would trucks be used in conjunction with the rail?

How much rail line does Lehigh now own?

Who would operate the train carrying Lehigh products?

How many rail cars would be necessary for each run and how often?

What kind of structures/facilities would be constructed and where to interface with a rail line?

What are the hours of operation?

The Comprehensive Plan for New Windsor Community Planning Area has identified the railroad crossing at the bottom of Church Street as “unsafe” with the “increasing number of vehicular and pedestrian trips between the older section of Town and the newer neighborhood of Atlee Ridge…” How would Lehigh not exacerbate the situation if a rail spur is implemented and rail traffic increased at this location?

The Plan also states that “ conflicts between rail and vehicular traffic should be minimized or… eliminated.”


What is the proposed path?

Where is there a similar conveyance already in operation?

How long would it take to design, construct and put into operation?

What are the dimensions of the structure – length, width, height, depth…?

What kind of power source is needed to operate a conveyor?

How much of the property that is needed for a conveyor is already owned by Lehigh?

What are the hours of operation?

How are dust, noise, vibration and other disturbances contained?

How will a conveyor cross land that is enrolled in agricultural preservation or Rural Legacy programs?

Will land be reclaimed in order to retain its original topography, character and ability to be farmed, planted, and sustain nature?

Do the flags at Old New Windsor Road and at Shepherd’s Mill Road areas placed by CLSI surveying teams represent a portion of the proposed conveyor path?

When and how will Lehigh disclose details of the proposed conveyor to the community?

Will Lehigh include members of NEWCAP on the conveyor design team?


Lehigh offered a site to Carroll County in historic Linwood for the emergency services training center. The site failed to perc and Lehigh has offered to donate a forty acre parcel for the center along Shepherd’s Mill Road.

If the new site at Shepherd’s Mill does not perc, will Lehigh offer to donate another parcel for the training center near New Windsor or another area?

What is Lehigh doing to help preserve the small rural village character of communities such as Linwood, Priestland, New Windsor, Sam’s Creek? – The training facility imposes many out-of character issues on these neighborhoods.

IV. Union Bridge Quarry & Plant

How many people are employed directly by Lehigh at the Union Bridge and New Windsor facilities?

The Lehigh Heidelberg Cement Group is a German-owned business. Which executives have visited the New Windsor quarry?

With whom in the New Windsor community have German execs. met and exchanged meaningful dialogue?

The unsightly overburden piles at the Union Bridge quarry continue to grow higher. How high are they?

Why is the total area of mining activity in Union Bridge not screened from sight as required?

What emissions are monitored, how, how often and by whom?

To whom are readings submitted?

According to the CC Comprehensive Mineral Resources Plan and Implementation Mechanisms, adopted in 1992, mandates that “the operator shall control and contain dust to prevent visible emissions from crossing the boundary of the property.”

Why do surfaces in Union Bridge continue to be covered with particulates emitted by the plant?

These particulates not only cover surfaces, but are also breathed in by anyone within a given area of the plant.

What will Lehigh do to capture these stray emissions beyond what may be the regulatory numbers imposed upon the industry?

What will Lehigh do for residents who think they have been negatively impacted by activities at any of Lehigh’s facilities?

Noise Traffic
Light pollution

What type of shields can be installed around the misdirected lighting on the tower to diminish upward and outward light pollution?

Has the Maryland Department of the Environment given written permission to expand the Union Bridge quarry?

Do the sets of survey stakes on the Lease and Lehigh properties off Shepherd’s Mill Road indicate the route of the possible New Windsor / Union Bridge stone conveyor system through the Linwood area?

Has the reclamation plan for the Clemsonville extension of the Union Bridge quarry been filed with MDE?

Has the “Zone of Influence” for the Union Bridge quarry been filed with MDE?

Has Senator Larry Haines met with officials of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources on behalf of the Lehigh Cement Company?

Has anyone representing Lehigh met with officials of DNR during 2007?

If yes for either, what was the purpose of the meetings?

If a proposed portion of Clemsonville Road is closed, how will deliveries and other Lehigh generated traffic from the west and south be directed to the entrance on Quaker Hill Road?

Will there be any entrances/exits from/to public roads onto quarry property south of the existing Union Bridge quarry? If yes, please describe.

How will truck traffic on Sams Creek Road going to Union Bridge access Lehigh’s property?

What plan of action has Lehigh proposed to Carroll County and to the State of Maryland to obtain the right concerning the possible use of Rural Legacy / Agricultural Preservation lands for the route of the conveyor belt between the New Windsor quarry and the Union Bridge plant?

Will a road be built parallel to the proposed conveyor belt between the New Windsor quarry and the Union Bridge plant?

The Lehigh sand quarry southwest of Union Bridge has been inactive for decades. Why has it not been officially closed?

Is there a reclamation plan for this quarry?

What are the immediate and long term plans for the Buckey Farm land and buildings?

How close can the quarry pit and other mining activities be to a public road, a private residence, an historic property/district and a property line in Carroll and Frederick Counties?

How close can ground disturbances, excavation and other activities (internal roads, overburden piles, debris, etc.) caused by the quarry operation be to public roads, property lines and private residences?

What are the plans for the open ash pile visible from Route 75 south of Union Bridge?

Is it in compliance with current laws and regulations?

What are the regulations/laws concerning dust generated at quarries in Frederick or Carroll counties?

How is this monitored?

Will the additional excavated overburden at the Union Bridge/Clemsonville quarry be handled in the same manner as has been described for the New Windsor quarry? If not, why?

Where will this overburden be located?

Recently, Lehigh approached two Frederick County property owners concerning the purchase of only portions of those properties. The owners would only sell the entire properties to Lehigh, which Lehigh has since purchased.

Will Lehigh sell to private individuals at fair market prices those areas of the two properties that it did not want to buy and that will be across a public road from any quarry area? If not, what are the quarrying plans for those areas?

Has Lehigh and/or its representatives approached other property owners in the Clemsonville area concerning the purchase of land?

What are the legal hours of operation of the quarries as allowed in Frederick and Carroll counties?

Will they apply to the construction of the new Clemsonville Road?

Before the implementation of a rail spur or conveyor line, how will stone from the New Windsor quarry be transported to the Union Bridge plant?

Some residents along Old New Windsor Road have expressed their desire and right to not have berms along the New Windsor quarry property facing their homes.

Please refer to the attached documents – one from the Maryland Department of the Environment and one from Lehigh Heidelberg Cement Group- which state respectively that, “No berm is planned along the unbermed portion of Old New Windsor Road,” [MDE]; “the top of the storage site will blend with the existing topography…elevations along the unbermed portion of Old New Windsor Road…average between 600 and 610 feet…” [Lehigh].

It is the stance of the NEWCAP Board of Directors that citizens who are directly impacted by berming along Old New Windsor Road should be consulted and their desire for berm-no berm in their sight-lines be honored as mandated by the MDE and promised by Lehigh.

What are Lehigh’s specific plans for berms – placement, height, duration,- along Old New Windsor Road?

NEWCAP representatives have enjoyed access to the New Windsor quarry and found the blasting demonstrations to be informative.

Can more such visits be arranged for other folks?

Can a similar tour be arranged by Lehigh to visit a plant that is currently using a conveyor system as proposed by Lehigh?

Please provide environmental impact information about a conveyor system. Citizens have expressed concerns about dimensions, noise, vibrations that may affect wildlife, lighting, access, dust, landscape disturbances, and more.

Passersby have reported very bright lighting at the gates to the New Windsor Quarry site.

How can Lehigh shield the misdirected lighting that is distracting to drivers along MD 31?

Must the lights be so bright?

The current siren warning system at the New Windsor quarry is ineffective as residents report not hearing it.

How will Lehigh notify residents of an impending blast?

Please forward all reports of air quality emissions, dewatering rates, seismograph readings, monitoring well readings, etc to NEWCAP, P.O. Box 189, New Windsor, MD 21776.